Singing is for everyone. You too can find the power and confidence in your own unique voice!

Passionate about how the voice works Metta’s lessons are grounded in the Estill Method of Voice Mechanics and Kristin Linklater’s work. She has a playful approach that uses metaphor and visualisation to help make contemporary vocal techniques accessible.

With many years honing deep listening skills she is able to hear what is blocking your instrument to have you singing freely in a short amount of time, in any style you love!

Her work as a drama teacher and theatre troupe director supports you to find your internal experience and become more embodied in your voice.

Get in contact to find out how she can help you find your voice and feel your power!

Metta has a broad understanding of the benefits of learning music and her positive energy is infectious.
— Zahra, 10yr old ukulele student, 2018

My experience with Metta has been amazing! She knows all the little tips and tricks about singing, she has a great taste in music and is extremely encouraging!
— Anne, 11yr old voice student, 2018

Metta has been teaching for over 15 years as a high school teacher, workshop facilitator, choir director, theatre troupe director, and music teacher!

Since 2016 she offers vocal coaching that also taps into your confidence, sense of self and internal power centres.

Get in touch to organise a lesson to suit your needs!